Terms & Conditions

Copyright and Trademark Notices

All contents of this website are subject to copyright by the Downtown Overland Park Partnership, Inc. (DOPP). All rights reserved. Downtown Overland Park Partnership and DOPP are property of DOPP. Other graphics used or product and company names mentioned in the web site may be the property of others and may be copyrighted material or trademarks of their respective owners.

Personal and Non-commercial Use Limitation

This website is for your personal and non-commercial use. You may copy, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce or publish the information or create derivative works from the information for non-commercial purposes only to promote Downtown Overland Park as a destination in media not for resale. All such uses must clearly and prominently identify DOPP as the source of the information. Any other uses, including adaptation for use as primary material on all other websites and electronic retrieval systems, require the explicit written permission of DOPP and other owners of copyrighted or trademarked contents of this site.

No Unlawful or Prohibited Use

As a condition of your use of this website, you warrant to DOPP that you will not use this website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices.

DOPP would like to let you know how we gather, distribute, and/or utilize the information you provide us in an effort to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy. Our methods and treatment are outlined in the policy below. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy, please contact us by the method(s) stated at the end of this document.

Privacy and Security Policy


Information collected on www.downtownop.org is used to determine important statistical data for DOPP to determine the effectiveness of the content offered through our website.

DOPP may collect personal contact and demographic information that the consumer willingly provides such as name, address, email, zip code, gender and income with the intention of using this information for purposes of statistical reporting and targeted promotional campaigns.

Demographic information may be used to “personalize” the user’s experience on www.downtownop.org. Contact information may be used to send promotional materials from DOPP. Users have the option of discontinuing the remittance of these by contacting us (see “Opt-in/Opt-out”).


To participate in online surveys, the user may be required to supply contact and/or demographic information. DOPP utilizes the information provided by the user to send that user any compensation promised in exchange for completing the survey and/or for purposes outlined in “Information Collection.”


A user may choose to remove themselves from our mailing list by completing clicking on the “SafeUnsubscribe” button at the bottom of any email they receive or by contacting a DOPP staff person (see “Contact Us”).


This site contains links to other sites. DOPP has no control over the content exhibited on those sites, nor the administration of them. Use of such sites is subject to each site’s unique privacy policy.

Contact Us

We welcome your feedback. For any questions, complaints, expression of concerns, requests for removal from our email list or to change your contact information, please call (913) 642-2222 or email doppadmin@downtownop.org.

You may also contact us by mail or by visiting the following address:

Downtown Overland Park Partnership

7315 W. 79th Street

Overland Park, KS 66204

We welcome your comments regarding the www.downtownop.org web site. Any comments, feedback, notes, messages, ideas, suggestions or other communications (collectively, “comments”) sent to DOPP shall be and remain the exclusive property of DOPP. Your submission of any such comments shall constitute an assignment to DOPP of all worldwide rights, titles, and interests in all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the comments. DOPP will be entitled to use, reproduce, disclose, publish and distribute any material you submit for any purpose whatsoever, without restriction and without compensating you in any way. For this reason, we ask that you not send us any comments that you do not wish to assign to use, including any confidential information or any original creative materials.



Contact DOPP at (913) 642-2222 or doppadmin@downtownop.org with questions, comments or problems with this web site.


DOPP reserves the right to change the terms, conditions and notices under which this web site is offered.


DOPP has solicited information from numerous sources in compiling the contents of this web site. Although every effort has been made to insure accuracy, some of the information, products, and services published on the web site may include inaccuracies and typographical errors. Changes are periodically made and added to the content of the site. DOPP may make improvements and/or changes to the site at any time and encourages users to bring corrections to our attention.

DOPP makes no representations about the suitability of the information and services contained on this web site for any purpose. In no event shall DOPP by liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use of this web site or for any information, products and services obtained through this web site.


Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.