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Fusion Fitness

Everyone deserves to look and feel their best.

Founded by Kansas City fitness guru Darby Brender, Fusion Fitness is the ultimate workout to challenge the entire body in one hour.

We have developed a system that will transform your body by elongating your muscles, decreasing body fat, improving cardiovascular endurance as well as increasing flexibility.”

Fusion puts a focus on strengthening all the muscles in your body, big and small – finding muscles you may have never even thought about (I can be sore there?!) Classes focus on fusing high energy cardio with muscle building toning – continually altering your heart rate to produce intense results both physically and mentally.

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Contact Details

Address: 7134 W 80th Street, Overland Park KS 66204, US
Phone: 913-800-1674

Services / Features

High energy cardio
Muscle building toning

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