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UL Prospector

UL has been the world leader in product safety for 120 years, helping manufacturers deliver safe, healthy and sustainable products to consumers everywhere.

The Prospector® search engine from UL combines the information and application platforms of Innovadex, the leading specialized chemicals & food ingredient search engine, and IDES, the leading online resource for plastics and metals.

IDES and Innovadex were launched separately by engineers and scientists who recognized the information exchange inefficiencies between suppliers and product manufacturers.

After more than two decades of building the most complete and current technical data resources for the industries they served, the two platforms have come together to jointly offer the Prospector® search engine. UL has a long history of advancements in safety science and supply chain innovation. The Prospector® search engine is an important resource for customers globally.

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Address: 7930 Santa Fe Drive, Overland Park KS 66204, US
Phone: 913-307-9010

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Sun, Apr 21, 2024, 2:00 PM
Sun, Apr 21, 2024, 3:00 PM