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Overland Park Masonic Lodge #436

We take good men and make them better through faith, hope, charity, fraternity and brotherly love.

Our lodge is comprised of members aged 21 to 95 averaging around 55 as of last year.

Most of our newer members are under 45 and make up the bulk of our current leadership. Our members represent all different sorts of careers, religions, nationalities, income and family compositions. We are not a religion, church or board room. As long as the man desires to better himself as a man and wishes to help brother masons, their causes and allow himself to be helped in return, he may be accepted into the fraternity, never to fall by the wayside.

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Address: 8109 Overland Park Drive, Overland Park KS 66204, US
Phone: 913-815-0003

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Upcoming Events

Sun, Apr 21, 2024, 2:00 PM
Sun, Apr 21, 2024, 3:00 PM